The power of alkalinity

But what is ALKALINITY?

Alkalinity is the ability of water to neutralize acidity. Energy is the life force within each of us that enables us to develop our full potential. When we're out of balance and lack energy, we experience a whole range of problems, such as stress, fatigue, depression and illness.

To stay in good health, it's imperative to respect the balance between acid and alkaline foods. Excessive acidity can lead to significant changes in health. A top priority is to ensure that alkalinity remains at a sufficient level to guarantee cellular life. Regulatory mechanisms such as respiration, digestion and hormone production balance PH by eliminating acid residues. If the PH becomes too acidic or alkaline, cells are poisoned by their own toxic waste, leading to death.


The solution is simple: go green.

To maintain a healthy body and maximize your energy and vitality, the best thing you can do, along with proper oxygenation and hydration, is to provide it with green foods. Here's a short list of ideal alkalinity-generating, life-giving foods:

> Almonds

> Carrots

> Dates

> Lawyers

> Lemons

> Limes

> Coconut

> Celery

> Cucumbers

> Cauliflower

And the list goes on...

We sincerely invite you to find out more, on the internet or otherwise, as we're sure you'll find foods that not only you'll love, but that will surprise you with their health-giving power. The foods you should avoid because they generate acidity and are void of life are :

> Pork

> Veal

> Freshwater fish

> Beef

> Chicken

> Eggs

> Shrimps

> Wheat bread

> White rice

> White flour

> Coffee

> Tea

> Wine

> Beer


Here again, we invite you to take a closer look at the foods you eat regularly, because we're also convinced that for some of them, you think they're good, but they're not. Please note that we're not asking you to complicate your life. On the contrary, let's keep it simple.

> Put a little lemon in your water every day, and add green vegetables to your dishes.

> Wheatgrass is an excellent source of energy.

> You can even make your own salad dressings, replacing white bread or wheat pizza pies with sprouted wheat bread and pizza.

> Always have a fresh salad in the fridge

> Use spices

Fresh fruit smoothies can also soothe your sweet tooth. Be creative! Try out new blends, new flavours, new textures and, above all, have fun! You can now find excellent books, recipes and websites dedicated to nutrition.

Remember thatbreathing, hydration and nutrition are the keys to an energized body. You are 100% masters of these three keys to success... So now that you know, you have no excuses!

